Saturday 23 May 2009

Floored By Mosquito

Last year, more than 40,000 dengue cases were reported in Malaysia with more than 100 dengue-related deaths. Worldwide, the total number of cases last year was estimated at more than 50 million cases. That was last year. This year, I am officially part of the statistics.

I had high fever exactly two weeks ago. At first, we thought it was just a normal fever, so I consumed the usual – panadols and antibiotics. When the fever did not subside after more than three days, I was asked to take a blood test. The result confirmed I had dengue fever.

Having dengue fever doesn't cause you much pain. But it sure does make you feel extremely uncomfortable. Your body becomes weak, your joints ache and you have no appetite to eat. Alhamdulillah (Praise to Allah), I didn’t have to endure it for long. I was hospitalised for five days, constantly given sodium chloride to boost my platelet level until my whole body was bloated with liquid; and now finally feel strong enough to resume normal daily activities.

What have I learned from this experience? Well, I learned first-hand how a tiny insect can floor an adult human being. And it added more to what I was made to realise since a few years back that you can only stretch your body so much. Once it breaks, you’ll be made to rue the times you wasted your health on.

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